BungeePortals 1.2

  • 1.8
  • 1.9
BungeePortals is a super-simple, very user-friendly and lightweight Bukkit plugin that hooks in with WorldEdit allowing you to create and remove portals with ease. These portals send you to another server that you have defined in your BungeeCord configuration file (so obviously you need BungeeCord installed).

Put the BungeePortals.jar file into the plugins folder of your Spigot/Bukkit server. When you start/reload your server the plugin should load, make sure to have WorldEdit installed or it will fail to load correctly (check start-up for debug info). You only have to put the plugin on the servers where you will create portals, no need for it on the servers that portals go to.

Making a selection:
  1. Get your WorldEdit selection wand using //wand.
  2. Select a cuboid selection.
  3. Make a BungeePortals selection using /bportals select <filter,list>.
  4. You can enter block ids separated by commas in the filter list, only selected blocks that are in your filter will be added to your BungeePortals selection. Simply enter 0 to not use the filter. This filter is very powerful, say you selected some stone bricks, glass and all types of wood planks, then used /bportals select 5 - all the planks would be selected; but if you used /bportals select 5:0,5:1 - only the oak and spruce planks would be selected.
Creating portals:
  1. Make sure that you've made a BungeePortals selection.
  2. Type the command /bportals create <name> and voila, magical invisible portal blocks will be created in every block from your BungeePortals selection that will take you to the server you entered. Make sure the name is exactly what you have in your BungeeCord configuration file.
  3. Make sure to remember exactly where your portals are or you may have trouble removing them in the future.
Removing portals:
  1. Make sure that you've made a BungeePortals selection.
  2. Type the command /bportals remove <name> and voila, all the magical invisible portal blocks that existed in your selection and matched the server you entered will be removed.
Clearing a selection:
  1. Type /bportals clear.
Bonus Features
  • Efficient, it reads data from a simple map stricture rather than directly from the portals.yml file. The data file will load on start-up and save on shutdown.
  • Have a save task run that will automagically save all your portals to the portals.yml file every 10 minutes just in case your server crashes after making changes.
  • BungeePortals will track the portal statuses of players. Meaning if you enter a portal to join one server, and then enter another portal to get back, you will not teleport in a loop. To use a portal you must exit it and then enter it again.
  • Deny users access to specific servers through its associated portals, see below.
  • /bportals - View the very help menu.
  • /bportals reload - Reload all files and data.
  • /bportals forcesave - Force all portals to save to the portals.yml file.
  • /bportals select <filter,list> - Create a BungeePortals selection, see usage above.
  • /bportals clear - Clear your BungeePortals selection.
  • /bportals create <server-name> - Create portals from your BungeePortals selection, see usage above.
  • /bportals remove <server-name> - Remove portals from your BungeePortals selection, see usage above.
  • BungeePortals.command.BPortals - Access to all the things done with /bportals. Default: OP.
  • BungeePortals.portal.* - Access to all servers through portals. Default: TRUE.
  • BungeePortals.portal.<name> Access to a server through all its associated portals. Default: NONE.
Version 1.2 - MCStats update.

Version 1.1 - Many nice additions. Check the change log.

Version 1.0 - Initial release.

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