Spigot & BungeeCord 1.12

Our software for Minecraft 1.12 has been released for general usage. For a full summary of important changes you should see the pre-release thread, but the important changes are as follows:

  • Servers require Java 8 now because this is what Vanilla requires. Plugins compiled with older Java versions are still fine and will continue to function.
  • Server SQLite has again been updated, this time to 3.18.0, so keep backups of these databases if you think you may need to downgrade.
  • Bukkit plugins which have not been updated in > 3 years and use deprecated features may be broken by routine API removals.
  • Server Guava version is now 21.0 which may affect some plugins relying on it.
It is also a good time to point out that when seeking support from us or the community, the only supported server versions are recent CraftBukkit & Spigot 1.11.2 / 1.12 versions. Any other version puts you at risk of already fixed bugs, and exploits. Additionally as per the README.md, the server software is open source and we welcome good quality code contributions, especially during this busy time.

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